
Pure Excitement for the Month of December...

I asked Jill to marry me!


It's a secret!

She said... now lean in closer here so I can whisper.....


Happy days for me... eternally! Until the brightest day!!!



Return of "The Spanish Prisoner"...

Like I have said: I didn't discount inspiration or possibly a burning bush or even a dream or vision, but, I believe that my last love interest basically wrote me that a "Dear Josh" because of The Spanish Prisoner, but it seems that Cami had "hit-the-nail-on-the-head" when she commented that, "Maybe it is a personality test to find out if you are compatible." It seems that watching that movie was my secret-compatibility-test and it most definitely "weeded-out" an incompatible love candidate!

I have since found (re-found? We had actually gone-out a few times in High School...) a completely compatible love interest that actually owns the movie in question!

I am completely, head-over-heels in love with her (she is who I have at other times referred to #105 and the topic of that "potential energy" that I have been referring to...)!

So, thanks Cami--you were right!--and thank you David Mamet for both writing and directing that movie (we'll do lunch sometime; have your people call my people...)!

She had declared a poem by Carl Sandburg, as her poet-of-the-month for October and poated:


      I asked professors who teach the meaning of life to tell
      me what is happiness.
      And I went to famous executives who boss the work of
      thousands of men.
      They all shook their heads and gave me a smile as though
      I was trying to fool with them.
      And then one Sunday afternoon I wandered out along
      the Desplaines river
      And I saw a crowd of Hungarians under the trees with
      their women and children and a keg of beer and an

I am happy though I have never consumed malt liquor (or any liquor, for that matter...) nor played an accordian...!!! Thanks Jill...



How does procrastination erode faith?

First of all, let's look at what faith is:

In the New Testament (where else should we look to find out the absolute most fundamental characteristic of a disciple of Christ?) we learn that faith is; in Hebrews chapter eleven, verse one -- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Also, we read in the Book of Mormon, in the book of Ether, chapter twelve much about what faith is, but specifically in verse six, "that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

We can infer from those two verses that faith is not to have a sure knowledge and is not to be able to "prove" that such a thing is true... We can, though, believe that it is the case and can believe so much, AS to, like Joseph Smith teaches in his Lectures on Faith, have the power of faith and, therefore, the power to finish the faithful steps that we are taking! (We could go on and on and on about the nature of faith and describe and discuss it, but our point now is to talk about how procrastination erodes faith!)

Now, let us turn a discussion of "procrastination..." Procratination is, in essence, proof that you don't actually have faith, or I should say that to procrastinate is to show that you don't believe, wholeheartedly, that the object of your desired faith will come to pass!

Let me step back for a moment and try not to offend those reading this that may be procrastinators... Alma 34:33,35 & Alma 13:27 & Helaman 13:38 all talk about procratination in terms of not waiting too long to repent or waiting til it becomes "everlastingly too late" to repent!

To procratinate is to do the opposite of moving forward in faith; it is, literally, to stand still or move backwards in faithlessness... C. S. Lewis tells us is that faithful action is strengthened by repetition but that not choosing to act towards your faithful goal will make you forget about and lose interest in completing your original desire or desired goal...

In other words, to procratinate or procrastination, does, in fact, erode faith! It can actually erode it to the point that you no longer have that initial faithful intention...



Energy II (potential energy)...

Now the energy that I'm feeling... (in fact, the way that I put it today in an email was, "I woke-up at 5:20 AM and my body was tingling from this very energy"...) definitely is a type of "potential energy" but another way to-put-it is the excitement of potential energy!

Saturday night there was some actual kinetic energy happening in my life and maybe just a little bit of nuclear energy!!! I think that I may need to get decontaminated some! I know that there actually no reactor meltdown or leakage of any kind though... And maybe there was some of that cosmic energy; in fact, there was!

No sexual energy, but... there definitely was potential sexual energy! Hence me classifying it as "potential energy"... Right? OK? Now, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT and get-back to you MSN News page!!!



Was that charitable?

But, isn't it "only natural"?

What does that phrase intend to mean exactly?

Let's look at a couple possible scenarios (remembering that we can substitute any sin with the sin listed in the example!) For example: We may not be prone to violence, but in this first example:

"It's only natural that I murdered my wife and left my children motherless... BUT she has been yelling at me for 30 years! ..."

"Sure... sometimes when I daydream at work or even at home, I think of sex with a woman other than my wife or killing my boss... I am a man, though, and can't help but feel those types of urges! right?"

"It's only natural that I cheated on my taxes... After all, the Government already has their fair share, and the government owed me that money and I don't consider it 'stealing'!"

"My son was foolish last summer and had sex with his long-time and steady girlfriend, but I don't blame him because it was just his hormones and it's only natural to have those feelings and then let your body take its natural course: weren't we made to do just that?"

This next scenario might be hard to read...

"My older bother came over, last night, to help me finish painting my garage ceiling and we got to joking and I told him about some of the dumb things that my wife has done to me lately... I mean, I can't believe that she would ever do that to anyone, but to her own husband!?! My brother says that I should seriously consider divorcing her!"

So, where could we place the "it's only natural label" on that scenario? On just the brother? On just the husband? On both? Why?

Just remember one of the most profound verses in scripture that speaks-to just this sort of topic:

For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Spirit, and putteth-off the natural man, and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full-of-love, willing-to-submit to all things that the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.



What if I were to stop writing?

I think that, for me, writing is a way to create the goodness that otherwise I wouldn't be able to make...

I'm pretty sure that if I were to stop writing (either here or in my journal at home...), I would die... inside!

The more I am able to create the more I feel love and feel happiness and feel joy and feel completed!

When I need to write something, anything, then to plug this creative outlet would be to turn off that one avenue for love and happiness and joy, anticipating completion.

If I were to stop writing...

I would simply have to find another avenue of creation! -- for now, though, this is the most comfortable and the easiest way that I can express myself, alone, that is...

I think I'll just continue to write like this for a long time. Don't even think that I will ever stop writing mini-devotionals either.  That is where most of my expression emerges...




Let's list some different types of energy to see if we can pinpoint which kind I'm experiencing:

Nervous Energy - Could be--I have removed myself from the "groove" that I was in before and also have a new job: my internal clock has been reset to another schedule!

Cosmic Energy - You never know... The universe might have made plans for me to do something that I haven't done before and will shortly be "throwing me into a new situation"!

Solar Energy/Thermal Energy - Could be--I was just waiting for the bus outside and was getting awfully hot!

Carbine Energy - Don't think so... I sit almost all-day-long on a chair, answering questions...

Atomic Energy - I somehow don't think that any atoms are being split inside of me (I'm pretty sure that we all would know immediately about that!)!

Nuclear Energy - See reasoning similar to Atomic Energy for why I do not think I am experiencing Nuclear Energy...

Psychological Energy - Is my brain just producing some biological energy that I'm not aware of? Why can't I just turn it off and turn it on at will?

Coal Energy - I don't think so...

Hydraulic Energy - Are you saying I'm wet-behind-the-ears? That just may be, but I'm NOT producing hydraulic energy...

Kinetic Energy - The only thing that's really moving right now is my heart, my restless legs, and my typing fingers! I am not sure that I could point my finger at kinetic energy for what I'm experiencing...

Sexual Energy - Nope! That includes the lack-of sex that can build-up in a person until they feel like they will explode... Nope!

No! Ok... I think I've narrowed it down to... Potential Energy!!! Potential to experience each and every one of the different types of energy (that is, with the exception of maybe hydraulic and carbine energy...)!




No, this post is not titled the way it is because I AM going to bear my testimony... I think I do that already in most things that I write!

Instead, I want to talk about others bearing their testimonies (whether they know it or not...).

Every night and every day I pray that Addison will "be able to glean from the words-that-others-use-around-him the TRUTHS that are being expressed and that, even though I'm hundreds of miles away, he will learn all of the things that I would teach him if I were there." I know that he isn't going to be punished for being far-away from the TRUTH a I would teach him but that he will be strengthened in learning those same TRUTHS from others around him and have a stronger foundation for his testimony because of it...

All TRUTH, though, isn't pointed to a man or to a woman, but ALL TRUTH points back to Christ. It is he that is the light and the life of the world and in Doctrine & Covenants 88:6-7 we learn that,

He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth; Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.

Testimony is one of the most powerful things that we can have in this world... In verse 66 of that same chapter, we read:

Behold, that which you hear is as the voice of one crying in the wilderness—in the wilderness, because you cannot see him—my voice, because my voice is Spirit; my Spirit is truth; truth abideth and hath no end; and if it be in you it shall abound.

The funny and great part of it all is: We all can bear it. We all can bear our own testimonies and we can "tap into" that power that is being shared with us!!!



How do all things typify Christ?

In 2 Nephi 11:4, we read:

"Behold, my soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ; for, for this end hath the law of Moses been given; and all things which have been given of God from the beginning of the world, unto man, are the typifying of him."

Let's take a moment to think of the different ways that things "typify" our Lord and Savior:

Astrological-He is the creator of this world and millions of others and is the savior for each one that He has made. All things point to Him as a God!
Universal-Likewise, He is through all things and in all things, He is the originator of all truth and is ever-expanding. His works have no end (worlds without end!)...
Biological-Think of the seasons: the plants die in the fall and then winter, only to be re-born in the spring and then thrive in the summer!
Philosophical-He is the WORD (see The Gospel of John 1:1). All true ideas come from him. Don't think that you just thought-up a new idea that didn't originate in the mind of God!!!
Historical-He is Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end...
Scientific-He not only created this planet but also filled it with all manner of animal life (beasts, fowls of the air [in all their varieties], fishes, insectas, creeping things, etc.). The seasons are under His POWER as well as all things that fall outside of the use of OUR agency!!!
Love-God is love (1 John 4:7-Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God...; 1 John 4:16-... God is LOVE...; 1 John 3:16-... he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren)...
Mathmatical-He is without beginning of days or end of years; is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; He is, as the Ancient Greek philosophers would have called him, The One...
Spiritual-He is the content of and the end of my religion and everything that it contains...
Faithful-He is my example in all things. Indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—"... We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure all things (see Articles of Faith 1:13)"...



A Found Poem (box of Mukki italian Panna di Cucina)

Freschezza per tutti
Sinonimo di qualita'
Dare gusto ad ogni tua ricetta
Pronto per l'uso in cucina!


Double Irony...

Not since my days of reading Søren Kierkegaard in college have I thought up another doubly ironic situation as it comes to Jesus Christ (not like I "dreamed it up" as this idea was already there, waiting for someone to point out!)...

I was reading 2 Nephi 25: 12-13, which states-

12- ... when the day cometh that the Only Begotten of the Father, yea, even the Father of heaven and of earth, shall manifest himself unto them in the flesh, behold, they will reject him, because of their iniquities, and the hardness of their hearts, and the stiffness of their necks.

13- Behold, they will crucify him; and after he is laid in a sepulchre for the space of three days he shall rise from the dead, with healing in his wings; and all those who shall believe on his name shall be saved in the kingdom of God...

Now, Christ came to this earth to redeem all of those children of our Heavenly Father who would accept his atonement and follow his commandments, plus all who are born here will automatically be resurrected once they've passed-on from this life. Yet, the Jews are so wicked that they have crucified their God. Now, nobody but the Jews were so acquainted with their God, Jehovah, and yet they took offense to Him and His teachings and His example enough to murder him in the most cruel manner ever thought of!

Now, as if that wasn't ironic enough, this was all part of the plan from the beginning. Christ knew very well, perfectly well, what price he would have to pay to fulfill his mission here on earth; he knew that he would have to make a blood atonement for all mankind and he knew that it would be the very same people that he came-to, lived with, ate dinner with, taught, was friends with--think of your neighbor, your bishop, your best friend's dad--and those people were going to be the ones to take offense and be angered enough to murder him! The double irony comes to when you realize that those people were the only people born of our Heavenly Father who would kill their God!

In 2nd Nephi, chapter 10, verse 3, we read:

Wherefore, as I said unto you, it must needs be expedient that Christ—for in the last night the angel spake unto me that this should be his name—should come among the Jews, among those who are the more wicked part of the world; and they shall crucify him—for thus it behooveth our God, and there is none other nation on earth.

And, to add irony to double irony, the reason that we are told they crucified their God was:

Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. (John 5: 18)


Jack Napier (played by Jack Nicholson) v. The Joker (played by Heath Ledger)

Which is your favorite Jaker? Which do you think of when you say, "The Joker from the Batman movies"? If there were a "real" Joker, which way would you think that he would act like?

Let's discuss each of them and then we may have a clearer idea of them both when we answer those questions:

Jack Nicholson's Joker--This character actually had another persona that you can also look to: Jack Napier, the-right-arm-man for Carl Grissom, the Mob Boss. You couldn't help but understand that this deformed and scarred and multi-colored being was also the same person as Jack. I suppose this could make you either less scared of him--because you knew that deep-down you had seen him as a "real" person, OR this could also make you more scarred of him because you could understand what sort of damage the vat of toxic sludge had done to this once almost-normal-though-still-frightening man... So, when you see him act completely illogically and unmercifully you are still left wondering if this is old-Jack or is it "the new-and-improved-Joker"...

Heath Ledger's Joker--For this character, you actually have no another persona that you can also look to: he is introduced only as The Joker (in fact, remember that Det. Gordon says about him, "No name, no other alias, clothing is custom..." He is THE JOKER. Heath Ledger's Joker, in opposition to Nicholson's, appears with absolutely no explanation as to how his coloring (his skin and his hair) has been changed. Again, I suppose this could make you either less scared of him--because you could understand that this man (monster?) has no story (except for the unbelievable, yet repeated story of what his ex-wife or mother did to him) that explains why he is this way, OR he may be even MORE frightening for exactly the same reasons...

Personally, I couldn't understand how the Nicholson's Joker could be more scary than Heath Ledger's... After all of the breakdown and analysis, I am left with the one outstanding trait that is disturbing than the rest: unpredictability. Heath Ledger's Joker seems to not follow any pattern of thought or carry out plans, but (and this is how I believe the comic book character was intended to portray) he does wicked and evil things for no apparent reason (other than the fact that HE can...). Nicholson's Joker is at least somewhat calculating and semi-predictable, but Ledger's acts only out of desire to do things (and who CAN predict that?) in his convincingly crazy mind...

My assessment over-all is that Ledger's Joker is much, much, MUCH more terrifying!!!

What all do you think?


Left-brained vs. Left-handed

What is the difference?

Funny you should ask...

I am training right now with Jake at my new work, for Apple refunds, and I thought-- that I was positive, in fact--that I would say that I was without-a-doubt correct that he was left-handed... Turns out, though, that he is, in fact, right-handed, but that he was adopted into a family of ALL left-handed people!

Interesting situation, but, was that all it was?

If I were to tell you which person Jake reminds me of and that has the same mannerisms, way of speaking, etc., I would tell you that my brother, Garrett, was almost exactly the same... In almost every single way!

Remember what I had just said/written (if you can't, then you can take a moment to re-read the above paragraph!)--Jake was born and then immediately adopted by a famil; it turns out that this adopting family is composed of left-handed people... They are a entire-left-handed-family!!!

Why does this interest me? I have been "learning things" from knowing whether or not a pesrson is left-handed... My grandfather, Ben, was completely a right-handed man, for example. And I mean MAN!!! He was born in 1920 on a farm and there was nothing for him to have been taught to him to be left-handed (like a left-handed child that goes to school and is basically FORCED, by the teacher/faculty/parents/piers/etc. to be right-handed... Could this have happened to him?). But, the fact and truth is that he was right-handed. From knowing him, from knowing in part, the way he thought, I also would have assumed and thought that I knew that HE was left-handed!

If he were born now, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have been left-handed. Since he was born in an age and cultur where people/teachers/parents only assumed that every male child was right-handed, he became a carpenter (so, not a painter). He could have, though, easily been able to have become whatever he wanted in life (given a larger variety of choices and opportunities!) including a painter or a sculpter or anything that would have used more of the right-brain than what he was trained to use...

What leads me to that conclusion? Years and years of studying the right-brain/left-side-dominant lifestyle and ways of thinking...

I, on the other hand, am all right-handed and right brain thinking!

I will talk more about any and all of this as I arrive at more firm conclusions and as people respond/ask me questions that spark other aspects to talk about... For some reason, I am COMPLETELY FASCINATED with this idea and would love to integrate this into a solid study/philosophy sometime!



Natural Man

I can see you clearly
I know what you are
You are but a rebel,
          and must lay down your arms
We're not simply creatures,
          needing to improve
Surrender yourself to the light,
          that he is offering you...

      From the garden
      I know what you are
      From the garden

I can see you clearly
You're fallen from the stars
Some passions are temptations,
          and you give in to all
We can't simply falter,
          when we begin to urge
You cannot deny the light,
          if you are to return...

      To the garden
      He knows what you are
      From the garden

What you give is what you get
And every time that you forget,
          you'll deny it
The world has made us all confused
With all the truths that it's abused
Don't deny it

      From the garden
      You know what you are
      From the garden
      Don't deny it!

JPS '99, '08

The price we all must pay...

It would be "easier" to just sit back, relax, and watch the world pass us by... But, we can't just take a back-seat to all that's going on around us!

Let me speak directly to all of the women-folk that are going to read this blog (and then, after you all have read it, force your husbands to read it and then make sure they really understand it!). Eliza R. Snow once once addressed the women of the Relief Society and said that:

Instead of depending entirely on our husbands for salvation and position, we have to work them out ourselves. The responsibility and labor that devolve upon women are becoming more important... God has put the means into your hands to become queens and priestesses in this kingdom, if you only live for it!

Now, unless you may be inclined to misunderstand what she said about "position", let me refer you back to the quote and point-out that it's referring to eternal or church position and not earthly position and that Karl G. Maeser, the first principle of BYU and the co-founder of the education guidelines for the school, also once said:

Eagerness to earn bread and butter has overshadowed many a golden opportunity.

So let's not 1- go after worldly positions ourselves nor 2- encourage our husbands, although I am positive that it would be subtly, to "earn [more] bread and butter"!

Remember, remember that prize is waiting for us both if we, indeed, remain faithful:

... they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fullness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19).

Looking at it this way... Can we even call it a "price"? Because it seems that it's all just given to us (after all that we can do...)!



Fruitcake that I bury in my backyard each January, Part II

It grows.

It reaches.
Even blue.

"What a beautiful tree you have."

I'll chop it down in the fall.
Good for firewood.
Good for heat.
Not food.

I bought a tracter
To plow my orchard
Of fruit cakes.
I irrigate in spring.
They grow.
They reach.

"What a beautiful tree you have."

JPS '99


Ways to judge whether on not to see a movie (only 5...):

The way that I see it, there are several reasons why one would choose, difinitively, to see a particular movie:

1) The actor or actress playing the lead (or potentially even a minor/supporting role...), you have fallen in-love with (whether or not you are the same sex as this actor),

2) The theme or plot of the movie is more than just interesting to you,

3) You may be enchanted with whomever has directed or written the movie and you feel as though you can't get enough of his or her movies...

4) The fact that you've been drawn into the oh-so-clever-ploy of watching the prequil or prequils that will make this movie all the more appealing and understandable (and now you feel a moral obligation to finish watching the movies in said series; regardless!),

or 5) The time of the playing of the movie or the location of the movie or possibly even the fact that you are being rushed to quickly choose a rental movie and then get out of the store!

Do you have more reasons? What are they? (I suppose you could include a reason like--Your loved one chose it and you WILL watch it with them [whether you would have chosen this particular movie or not]...)



How to be more "upbeat"!

Since I'm not exactly sure how it is that I am supposed to be more upbeat than I already am, I am going to write about "HOW" to become more upbeat and in the process, I hope to be more upbeat!

Just so you know, I don't feel like I am depressed or even gloomy, but as soon as I start writing--I am not the most positive person around! I don't know... Maybe it's just the subject matter or the the things that I choose to talk about. I think by trying to explain how it is that I should be sounding, I will become that type of writer (at least until I write again...).

I am taking this idea of not-knowing-how-to-become-a-certain-way-so-you-just-start-talking-as-if-you-are-already-that-way from a quote from Brigham Young. He once said that, More people have obtained a testimony while standing up trying to bear it, than down on their knees praying for it.

So, my ideas for starting to write and being upbeat are:

1) Let your happiness come through your writing! As in, if you are a naturally happy person, then let that happiness come across to others...

2) Don't choose to write or talk about anything that is or could be construed as potentially sad or even disheartening!

3) Write with someone in mind that makes you happy! Use this idea-of-the-person to "check" yourself and keep yourself from straying from the desired happiness...

4) Think back on what you're writing and make sure that you are actually getting happier/more excited just from putting words about that thing that you're writing about...

and 5) Ask yourself if you could conceivably bring this same topic into an already happy conversation with a loved-one without "bringing them down" or ruining the mood!

I realize that I, myself, haven't followed these rules and have kind-of avoided the whole topic of being happy... These are good guidelines to follow and keep yourself from not being a-happy-writer, even if this post has just been a meta-happiness-blog!



Haven't I written something about *memory* before?

I don't remember what I was going to write about... But it'll come!



Worms... Roxanne... Worms...

Ok, guess you have to be a big "Roxanne" movie-lover to appreciate the title...

The reason that I have gathered you all together today is to talk to you about the very importance of "words". In an amazing speech given by the law-school professor and librarian, Constance K. Lundberg called, "Words of Hate; Words of Love".

In the talk/speech to fellow law students, faculty, and professors, she mused:

"Used in the context of our relationship with God, words are real, and their power is real. Repentance can be real and sincere, but our acceptance of the atonement is not sufficient if we only have a change of heart. We must also be baptized. The act, and the words of the prayer, are more than symbols. They effect real change. The acceptance and understanding of that change is part of the act of repentance, and of our preparation for baptism."

Finishing the thought, she relates, "Contemplating those vows enables us to test the reality of our commitment to repentance, to a forsaking of past sins and a covenant to take upon ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ – more words. More words that are the acts we cherish and revere."

Take a look at the speech/talk and see what you think... That is all ... Reconridge!



The irony of me not accepting god's will...

I try hard to align my will with God's, so much so that I am almost happy to see bad (or even terrible...) things happen in my life (as long as I am then able to overcome or endure those things). Because, if and when I DO overcome them, then
it's proof to me that I AM following the correct path and forces are fighting against me the whole way!!!

This is a good thing... What I am trying to work out now is that I am finding it hard for me to allow the *good* things in life or even *the blessings* in life happen to me in the same way that the bad happens!

... I was just down in my room having a personal dialogue with myself (would you call that a "auto-monologue"?) about why it is that I will not allow myself to have things "go my way" for a change with a relationship... I just enumerated a whole list of positive things that went my way, in one particular situation, that IS NOT going my way, yet it's hard for me to be charitable to myself or to allow others to be charitable to me!

I feel like the spirits in Lewis' The Great Divorce who are refusing to enter into heaven because they are unwilling to "let go" of the pattern of wrongs that they've "suffered"--they get some sort of satisfaction out of not being blessed! The crave the "BLAME" that they are able to attach to something other than themselves and attribute victimization to that thing or that person!!!

Am I following in that same trap? Why won't I be optimistic about myself and the things that are "going my way"? Am I dooming myself to forever be the false-accusor? Will I always expect a certain amount of "wrongs" that are trying to hold-me-down? Why am I adding even more weight to that burden until I believe it's "heavy enough"?

The truth is: I DO have faith and trust that some things are going to turn-out the way that I plan, but, those things (in which I successfully have faith in) are very, very few! Where I am lacking in faith is the faith that my life will continue to be blessed and that I will find joy in my relationships (among other things)!

I'm afraid that I will not start seeing my life as being blessed until my attitude changes... Maybe that change will start with this post!?! In fact, it has changed from that personal/private monologue down in my room... GOODBYE PESSIMISM and HELLO CHARITY!!!


What has God done to "purge" you?

In The Gospel according to JOHN, chapter 15, verse 2, we read that:

Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

This question already assumes that YOU are not an evil branch that brings forth evil fruit, but that you are good and bring forth good fruit! So, now that we know that you "beareth fruit", I want to know how have you been "purge[d]... that [you] may bring forth more fruit".



Unstring your bow my son, unstring your bow!

Joseph Smith is reported as advising certain brotheren, after other non believers/non mormons would call out that he was a fallen-prophet because he would get down and play with the children whenever he could, that 'If you kept your bow constantly tied and the string taut, that your bow would lose its spring' meaning that you can't go around all day, every day, wound-up to the maximum level. You have to relax and do other things that aren't going to necessitate you be posed to battle every-little-thing, as if you were at war!

Likewise, C. S. Lewis, in his book, The Weight of Glory, reminds us that the Master himself advised his followers that we need to ask for our daily bread and not to let the thought of not having our daily bread tomorrow or the next day or next week, etc. be our concern... You see, even the children of Israel, when they were wandering in the desert for 30 years were commanded to gather only enough sustenance (bread in this case...) for that day, and if they gathered more than that, the manna would spoil and have maggots!

Again, C. S. Lewis writes, "Happy work is best done by the man who takes long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment 'as to the Lord.'"

Some may see this post as terribly ironic and even comically ironic that I write a blog about not being so serious and yet, at the same time, fill the blog with scriptural quotes and theological references... Little steps, little steps... I am working on it and will keep more in mind that I can't keep my bow constantly taut!!!



I will not be complacent! I will not be complacent!

One summer Stephanie and I went to an Indigo Girls concert up at Wolf Mountain (or was that before the name change from Park West?) and besides good and fine music, one of the parts that I remember most about the concert was that after singing a song from their new Swamp Ophelia album she kept chanting, "I will not be complacent" again and again...

I'm sure it was spawned by some sort of desire to become even more of an activist or better yet, to inspire those listening to become a some sort of activist in one of their many causes (you know... save the wales, legalize gay and lesbian marriages, what-have-you!).

The reason why I am saying that "I will not be complacent" is because I am going to do what is right, no matter the outcome ("Do it now!" -President Spencer W. Kimball). I am talking about doing what is right on every level of life--my school, my work, my family life, my friendship activities, my personal life, and my church activity--even things that I will say or wright!

The irony of this whole story which was inspired by the Indigo Girls is that the night of the concert was on a Sunday... So was the night that I was taken to a Sundance Film Festival showing of a Stewart Copeland movie about the Police; on a Sunday...

The thing that causes me to write this is: It's nobody's fault that I chose to go to these two events on Sunday... Nobody forced me to and it's not like I didn't have a choice. My own choices and the way I was being and acting was as an enemy to God and to what I knew and know to be right!

I think that I am out of danger of succumbing to the Sabbath-day-breaking desires that hounded me, but, I need to recommit myself to making all of the choices that I feel are going to be the most helpful and beneficial and inspiring-to-others that I can! Regardless of who says differently (even me and my natural man flare-ups), I am going to act, insofar as I am able, in strict accordance with God's will and then allow My Savior's atonement make up for the rest!



"But we heeded them not..."

Peer pressure is something that I haven't worried about since I was in high school, but as a father, I can't not be worried about the choices that my son will make in life. I know that he will have the influence of his dad and his mom and the influences of all of his grandparents, but he's going to also have the influence of friends: some good and some-not-so good!

I pray for him each and every day and night and ask that he be able to glean those truths that are spoken all about him and taught directly too him, that he may become wise in his own decision making...

The title of this blog is from the first Book of Nephi chapter 8; it reads in versus 33-34 that, "... and after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not. These are the words of my father: For as many as heeded them, had fallen away."

I know that he will have PLNT of chances and opportunities to be laughed at and teased and even ridiculed because of the choices he will make, but I pray that in the end he will have not heeded those words and he will NOT have fallen away. I know that he can be strong and he will glean those life-saving truths that will help him along the path to reach me waiting for him at the Tree of Life with all of his loved ones!!!



More on memory...

Memory is something that we almost never think of, but readily use it every single moment of our lives!

I suppose there in the inherent memory of how to keep our body functioning that seems almost completely unconscious (NOT subconscious, mind you, but UNconscious...)--breathing, circulating blood, how to see with our eyes, etc. Then there is the memory that we think of, which is conscious, like memories, mental organizing calendars/priorities/goals/etc.

I had a very, very interesting conversation with a woman that was in my ward when Stephanie and I were married (Aspen 1st ward) about a case of amnesia that a girl that she knows had after an accident, but when the amnesia went away, she had decided during the time when she couldn't remember things, that the Church wasn't true. Essentially, she had a strong testimony-was in an accident and had amnesia-regained her memory but fell completely away from the Church!

My friend was asking me about it and wondered why I did not lose MY testimony after my accident, yet she had...

I took a moment to think about it and then told her that I understood her story suggested was:

1- Our testimony is closely related to the influence(s) of the Holy Ghost (as I've written about in prior blogs),
2- During the time of amnesia she had lost her memories of the Gospel, etc.,
3- When she started recovering her memories, she didn't have the promptings and confirmation of the Holy Ghost confirming what she had previously known as being true actually WAS true, and
4- Because she felt like what she was feeling (the promptings of the truthfulness) or being told was not being confirmed against what little she could remember, she discounted and disbelieved it all...

In short, her physical loss of memory (which would have told her that she already believed what she was having people try and remind her of...) led to her trying to confirm with her mind the thoughts that were being supplied about the truthfulness of the Gospel, but without her memories she was left as a brand-new investigator--having to accept the Gospel with no prior experiences to judge it from, and it was her over-critical brain that decided to discount the hard-to-believe truths that were being presented to her...

My explanation for why I didn't experience the same effects was that I, fortunately, never was without a memory of the Church or of the Truth and, therefore never had to be treated as a brand-new-potential-convert as her friend will have to...

We are all given different trials in our lives which will all lead us back to our God and we will receive the Glory according to how we fare in our life and choices and trials!

I am eternally grateful that I did not have that sort of trial and that I have always known that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was the only true and living church on the face of the earth in these days and that I am glad to be one of its priesthood holders!



"I am like a rough atone rolling down the hill..."

Joseph Smith called himself the "rough stone rolling" at different times in his life and occasionally explained what he meant by that... In 1843 he said that "The hammer and chisel never was heard on me nor never will be. I desire the learning of heaven alone." At another time he commented that the fact that he was "rolling down the hill" meant that as he was moving through life or rolling down the hill, the obstacles and challenges and hard things in life that he would come into contact with would knock a little piece off here and a little piece off there, until, he said, he would be a polished shaft in the quiver of Jehovah!

What he was saying was, if you will indulge me to explain what he was saying (I never actually having spoken with him before...), that he was going to live his life according to the will of God and that he would almost necessarily come-up-against different pitfalls or obstacles that would try to stop him, but that nothing was going to come between him and the object he was seeking (to accomplish God's will). Those obstacles and challenges would certainly try to destroy him and would knock a piece of that rough stone from the edges, until eventually he would be made entirely smooth and he would be "a polished shaft" and be able to do all things that the Lord asks him to do!

Now, I believe that all of us are rough stones rolling down the hill, inasmuch as we are moving towards the will of God! We must necessarily be moving (see 2 Nephi 2 about, in verse 16-Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.) as none of us can be holding still (we must act!!!) and we must be either choosing to follow Christ or we are choosing to move away from him...

As we are choosing to move towards the Savior, we will be stopped by the difficulties of life and we will be forced to make moral decisions... Each time we choose to fight against the incitements of the adversary of righteousness, we will have a "little piece off here and a little piece off there" (quoting myself and not Joseph Smith... Maybe?) until we become that polished shaft in the quiver of God!

I consider these "blogs" an opportunity to have some more of my rough edges knocked off and welcome and invite all people (that means YOU!) that may have a contrary position to speak up and tell me about it... The fact that I am rolling down the hill does not mean that I'm necessarily going to be writing correct things or a piece of the "Gospel of Josh" (Maybe?) and that you wouldn't want to say something contrary to what I have written... Think about it! Like I said, all of us a rolling one way or the other (and you can't help that... Thanks to agency, every choice we make either leads us either back to God or away from him... Even, "Should I shower first or eat breakfast?" will be a choice that will lead to other choices that will make up your day--I am NOT saying that itself is a moral choice, but will eventually lead to other choices and some of them moral).

So, continue to live your life as you feel you must and realize that you are determining where it is that you will end up by every single choice you make!!!



Three women who LOVE their men...

I've been thinking about this subject for a while (years actually...) and just have recently read 3 blogsites where the writer was a woman, and she consistently pays great homage or tribute to their husband or man-in-their-life.

I think that this is such a great thing because:

1- No relationship is going to grow and flourish with only half of the couple doing their utmost to keep the love alive in their relationship... Admittedly, I have always think of the man needing to make sure that this "flame" still burns bright, but it seems that I am wrong and it amazes me to see the woman taking up this role with ease!!!

2- The woman tends to know what things are going on in both of their lives and is a natural coordinator to help their marriage/relationship remain in harmony... Both with both of their hectic schedules and their friends and their families and all that is involved in keeping those-things-that-are-keeping-them-together going!

and 3- Women tend to be more sensitive and know perfectly the likes/dislikes, loves and bothersome things (fastidiousities?) at the forefront of their minds and along with their harmonious qualities, can make sure that love flourishes in that relationship...

HEY MEN!!! Wake-up and pay attention to the love that is burning and kept aflame because of mostly what your significant companion (speaking only about women, mind you! Please refer to The Proclamation to the World to understand more fully!) is doing... Then, put your new resolve to action and "step it up"!!!

As to the three women I mentioned at the beginning of this blog are Kristen Harris, Stephanie Stott, and Jinjer Donaldson... Dave, Tom, and Peter are the lucky men (respectively)!

(I in no-way am saying that YOU do not love your man or that this precludes any men from being that great amarist (lover) in their own relationship, this "blog" was just specifically paying tribute to that great feminine love...)



Prejudices and the Living Force...

"True": We all make every decision with all of our baggage and wisdom + knowledge that we've gained from the past, yet I believe that it is very important to make all of our choices afresh and not be "bogged-down" by prejudices or even traditions that we have previously been following...

Remember the words of Qui-Gon Jinn in ""The Phantom Menace" to "listen to the living force".

Isn't it true that we all need to make every decision as if it was the first time we had ever been confronted with that scenario before, even if we may have been in a similar situation many times!

If we don't make our decisions "afresh", then we

Even, though, when we are making decisions based on council given to us from long ago--from the scriptures, from old council from an old prophet, or even from Jesus Christ, we have the confirming promptings from the "ever-living and ever-fresh" Holy Ghost tell you what is God's will!

Is it good for man to be alone?

Well, is it good for a man to be alone?

Since I've written the couple of blogs about events that could have left me depressed and despondent with nothing good to say about marriage, I have been thinking about this very subject every single day (sometimes most-of-the-day...) and yesterday as I was at the temple, the answer came to me!

Answer: No, it is not good for man to be alone...

I'm not saying that I'm starting a new crusade to find a wife or that I'm actually going to change the way that I've lived my life up until now, but I will tell you one way that I have changed: I know that it is not good for man to be alone!

I, of course, knew that all along and had never though, indeed, that it would be good or even preferred for me to be alone, but now I have a spiritual and a temporal witness that it isn't my place or destiny to go through this life by myself--I will go through this life with a companion and helpmeet. Or maybe I won't. It is all up to the Lord's will, but I know now (or have been reminded) the plan of God for me...


Taking the GRE!

Any brilliant suggestions on taking the GRE? What is your best advice on taking the test? Have any little tid-bits that are going to help me take it and get a score that will "promise" acceptance into a worthy grad-school?



Hard to understand, save you should inquire of God...

In 1 Nephi chapter 15, we read one one of the dozens of times that Nephi's two elder brothers, Laman and Lemuel, hear a wonderful and spiritually uplifting sermon from their father only to criticize the counsel and the Lord for not being able to understand the teachings...

Nephi hears them out and them asks them, "Have ye inquired of the Lord?"

As I was thinking about these lessons (because there is a very good reason that the first book in the Book of Mormon is so chuck-full of great and easy-to-understand lessons--because every single reader has started-over and read the first 10-or-so chapters an almost infinite amount of times!), I had to stop and ask myself:

Am I willing to ask the Lord for help?

The answer, unfortunately, is a resounding "yes" when it comes to things that I find important or things that I would like to have happen... BUT I think that more often and all-too-often I choose to simply let my own brain figure out the answers instead of asking for help from the Lord!

I'm not saying that "the mind" isn't a wonderful thing, capable of an infinite amount of marvels, but only that I feel that I am guilty of "trusting in the arm of flesh" and having the object of my faith be my own body/brain...

How many more things would you think that I would be able to do if I would just ask and trust that the Lord will shine his light down on His child? Is my "not asking" a form of ingratitude? Am I really faithful or in some ways am I not "holding myself back" by not letting my Heavenly Father shine down his gifts onto me?

Aren't you guilty of the same thing, but maybe in a different way?

Jesus Christ has told us, over and over and over that (in fact, it is the most used phrase in all of scripture, quoting the Lord...):

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." (Matt. 7:7, Luke 11:9, 3 Ne. 14:7, and Doctrine and Covenants 42:62)

Need I be afraid to ask?



And perhaps thou shalt CAUSE thy nighbor to sin also...

In the Book of Mormon, book of Mosiah, chapter 4, verse 28 we read of a warning that the prophet and king gives to his people:

And I would that ye should remember, that whosoever among you aborroweth of his neighbor should return the thing that he borroweth, according as he doth agree, or else thou shalt commit sin; and perhaps thou shalt cause thy neighbor to commit sin also.

... One of the many arguments or heated discussions or (let's just say it!), fights that we had was about the this concept. The most prominent discussion was about letting Addison play with his friends on Sunday. The family rule (and this rule is not necessarily binding on any other person, but it was our rule...); there was no going over and asking your friend to play on Sunday.

If we were outside, though, (enjoying the day and the outside... You know!) and another family happened to stroll-by and their kids wanted to play with Addison, then that was just fine and completely following the rules! We just did not want other children to see Addison playing outside (or coming over to their house to play...) and take that as license for them to play!

However, the rule was that our children (in this case: child....) were to Keep the Sabbath-Day holy and NOT seek-out opportunities to play with friends, or to even play out in the front-yard and, thus, become a standing-invitation to play on Sunday, etc.

You see the difference?

It was all done under the same concept that we read in this handy scripture! It is completely and totally up to each individual family as to whether or not you will let your own children "play" with their friends on the Sunday, just like it was any other day of the week... For me and for my house, (Joshua 24:15) we considered such an activity completely not in accordance with our Sabbath reverence!!!

Can't you understand?



Musing about DIVORCE...

I was talking to a friend the other day who said that going through a divorce must have been really hard. Then he followed that up with, "It must have been really hard on your testimony!"

Actually, now that I think about it again, I'm not sure that this conversation actually ever took place or if it was all implied conversational words to what we were already talking about... Sorry, if it offends you to talk about a theoretical conversation, then, you'll be quite sad to realize that nearly ALL of my posts a theoretical in nature...

Back to the topic-at-hand though! My answer to him was that, "Divorce, like almost all things in life, can either strengthen one's testimony or it can crush it." And, if you think about it, you will need to concede that it's true!!!

Let's look at the two ways you major ways you could react: lose your testimony or be spurred on and get stronger and stronger in your faith!

There will always be different gradations or levels to one's reaction, but we need to mention only these two...




Now, why would you turn away from your testimony?

--Maybe you never really had a testimony, but you only recognized the way you felt towards the church and Christ through the love that you had with your wife...
--Maybe you have become bitter because of your divorce; after all, didn't you do everything that you were supposed to have done, including being married in the temple. Didn't you keep all of your covenants? Didn't God let you down then?
--Maybe you have a testimony still, but you lied to yourself about, "I'll go to church next week" over and over again, but time passed and now you found yourself on the elder's quorum presidency short list of people-to-see-lest-they-fall-entirely-inactive!

Now, how would your testimony burn brighter even though you just went through a divorce?

--Maybe you grew from the trial of being separated and even more now that you are divorced, and turn back to life with your new insights hungry for more life-lessons!
--Maybe you were like a newborn chick ready to burst out of your egg, as you feel free now, in some ways, to express your testimony that you feel like had been being pent-up for all those years!
--Maybe you are a living example of what we learn from Ether 12:27-"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness... for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Now they have been humbled by the divorce experiences, they are ready to show the Lord just how grateful they are for the experience!

We all know that there is no-such-thing as standing still in your testimony; it is either growing larger or it is shrinking down to nothing. You can't pretend that your trial isn't going to effect you...

Just read the words of Joshua of Old and be inspired by them, Joshua 24:15-"Choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."



Eternal companionship?

I have recently been thinking or admitting to myself that I just very-well may not find and marry that someone-with-whom-I-will-spend-eternity in this life... No, stop it! I am being very serious here and not just posting a blog to get some sort of reaction out of you or so that I would be flooded with "get well soon" emails trying to cheer me up...

That does not mean that I am giving-up or that I won't do all that I can to find that person who will be my perfect companion... My goals and my methodology-to-reach-them have not changed in the slightest (but I won't be so aggressive or as aggressive)!

Just living my life as I know that I should will perform all of the "weeding out" that I have purposefully done in the past and will put me on the right path for encountering that wonderful woman who will love me as much as I love her!

Who knows though? I mean, do YOU know? How do you know then?

I am content not knowing, because in the end, I WILL know it all!!!



"Lying with his eyes", response!

As you may remember, I did post a blog asking you to respond and comment on the topic at hand, which was, "Lying with his eyes"... I appreciate the two people that responded, but am a little dissapointed in the less-than astounding number of responses from YOU readers...

Both of the pieces from the original blog were specific to phrase "lying with your eyes" as : In "The Island", where it was said,

"Something is wrong! His eyes are lying..." and then the Beatles song actually says,

"Lying with his eyes", both of which imply that one can actually "lie" with one's eyes...

To which Finn replied that, "The eyes look away for a lie" and quoted an Eagle's lyrics:

You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes

and then Cami said that, "I believe eyes can lie." She also refers to movies where the way that the protagonist can tell that the perpetrator is lying is with his eyes...

However, I was looking for some sort of response as to how you can tell that one is lying or how one can lie... Let's turn to the scriptures to see what sort of insight we can glean from their words:

In Deuteronomy 28:56 we read: The tender and delicate woman among you... her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter and then in verse 65: ... but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind:
(we have the frailty of the eyes and the inconstancy of their gaze...)

But in Proverbs 23: 5-6 we see: Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats...
(we see that where the eye is focused, so the heart's desire lies, but also that as you lie, "[your eyes] fly away as an eagle toward heaven...)

And in Moses 1:11-But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld...

In Doctrine & Covenants 121:2--How long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear be penetrated with their cries?
(the eye is not an evil thing, but is a pure organ, unless we focus on evil things)

And finally we come back to Christ's appearance among the Nephites in the Book of Mormon where we read that in 3 Nephi chapter 11 verses 5, 8, & 15,
5-And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came.
8-And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven...
& 15-And it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.
(again, we see that where the eye is focused, there the faith of the person is also focused and is amplified if it is turned to a faithful thing)

So, we are left to conclude that 1) eyes are inconstant and evil but only evil if one chooses to turn toward evil things, otherwise is a pure organ and able to amplify the good or evil that it is focused on, 2) the eye is nothing without the person focusing the vision on the good. Once the eye's focus is on the good, then the whole body is full of light and in Doctrine & Covenants 77: 4, we see that,

Q. What are we to understand by the eyes and wings, which the beasts had?
A. Their eyes are a representation of light and knowledge, that is, they are full of knowledge; and their wings are a representation of power, to move, to act, etc.

Where we see again in 3 Nephi 13:22-23:
The light of the body is the eye; if, therefore, thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. If however, your eye is dark, then if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

You don't want to have dark or lying eyes, for how great is that darkness?



"Lying with his eyes", feedback!

So, I finished watching the movie "The Island" with Ewan McGregor, and heard a very interesting phrase: "Something is wrong! His eyes are lying...".

This makes me immediately think of the Beatles song, "Happiness is a Warm Gun" which says, "Lying with his eyes, while his hands are busy working overtime...".

I simply want to hear from you all (Yes! Even YOU... and don't think that I won't notice that YOU don't respond); what you all think about lying with your eyes!!!

Just submit your commentary or thoughts as a response to this post... Some time in the future, I will write an entire blog/post about the idea, as it is one of my favorite things to think about in the entire world!

Write away, please!!! I am most interested to hear what you have to say (Matt and others, please refrain from letting a Beatles commentary be mojority of your reply, as I am well aware that you could write pages and pages about that song/the authors/etc., but FOCUS on the meaning behind the words)!



Learning of Heavenly Father from Hollywood?

Watching the movie, The Rainmaker the other night, I had a glimpse of some of the characteristics that are how I think our Heavenly Father operates.

You know how he is often referred to as the Great Eternal Judge Elohim? Well... watching that John Grisham movie last night, a judge played by Danny Glover helped enlighten me as to a way that I can understand the righteous judgment of God.

The first thing that I thought of was how the the judge helped the brand new attorney, Matt Damon plead the case and lead his teams "discovery" words by using the correct verbage and following the correct order. At one point, the judge asks the new attorney if he wouldn't like to begin with a certain pleading, etc. In a very similar way, in order to come before God and in order to be able to receive of his blessings, we have to be shown the correct way and use proper verbage in our pleadings (Romans 8:26-... for we know not what we should pay as we ought..."

God the Father is anxious to help us out in whatever way that he can, if we will but follow his laws, as we read, in Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21:

(20) There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
(21) And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

Although He is looking to bless us all, he cannot "look upon sin with the least degree of allowance (D&C 1:31)". In other words, He is looking for any way that He can bless and strenthen and help and guide us, though He must, follow all the regulations and rules and dictates, even He, Himself must follow those same rules (though they are His only) of righteousness, or He would "cease to be God" (Alma 42).

Heavenly Father, in an infinitely superior way than the judge in The Rainmaker, is anxious to help us and give us all the blessings that he can. He is waiting and even "chomping at the bit" to bless each and every one of us (as we are all his children--that means that YES, even YOU! are his son or his daughter) and all we need to do is 1) act righteously and keep his commandments and 2) ask Him for that which we need. The treat part of this all is that even if we're not sure what to ask for, the Spirit will help us to know what to ask for...


Parting blows...

The way I see it, there are two reasons why you should use a parting blow...

To explain what I am trying to convey with the term, "parting blow" (because each of us knows what the word means, whether we dish them out or whether we have been on the receiving end of one), let me explain what one is, and in the meantime I will answer the question, "why use one?":

1) The most common way these are used is in being malicious! You use a parting blow so that you can ensure that there will be no time for the other person to have a 'quick comeback'... so that you will have "the last word in the matter"... or so that you can defeat the other person and leave them with no will power or time or possibility to respond to your blow!

2) I've just thought of another way to use a "parting blow" with less than the unfair and hurtful way that you used it in the first scenario: You make your last statement or word on the matter in such a way that you have now put the issue to rest and because there is going to be no comeback or response to your statement...

Is there room for both possibilities in your dialogue? Yes. Should you ever use possibility 1 then? I really don't believe that you should ever do such a thing... Which leaves you with the warning that if you think that you need to use a parting blow in a conversation, then it should be done ONLY keeping in mind that if you do stray off-course and say something in a sarcastic or a belittleing or an outright-snotty way, you are in the wrong and can only opologize and do something or say something to let the other know that you are never going to say such a thing again...

Just repent and by so-doing change your mind!



LDS singles scene = Greek inspired "eating their own children"...


What was that?

I remember something from my Greek/philosophy studies where an allusion was made to the 'Sun eating ifs own children', meaning that the sun, although it is really big and really powerful/hot, it was so giant that it consumed it's own offspring... I'm not sure where the story came from nor am I sure that I'm alluding to it correctly; I just know that when I went to a LDS singles activity, the idea of 'the sun eating it's own children' came to mind...

Let me explain:

We need to start with the status quo--Hundreds and thousands and even millions of singles in the LDS church. As of right now, almost 1/3 of the church membership are single adults. Now, if you also take into consideration the percentage that are children/minor youth, and you mathematically are left knowing that the single adult percentage of the church is equal to that of the married adults (and 1/3 is left for the children...). That is HUGE!

Next, we also know that the singles are going to be looking to marry and compute their progression charts and because every (maybe not every, but I can only speak from my own perspective!) person wants to make every logical progression through this mortal life--not to mention fulfill their patriarchal blessings (which all of them speak of being eternally married [if not in this lifetime, then in the world to come]...)!!!

We also know that the church shares in this knowledge of the eternal progression of the individual, and that this progression ends at a certain point and an 'eternal spouse' is needed in order to reach the highest degrees of that celestial order!

Finally, we are left with the church feeling the need to help the singles match-up and move on. Only, they have 2 things going against them:

1) The actual single population is made up of somewhat backwards (at least socially speaking...) and recently wounded adults. None of the recently divorced adults feel like they can simply just jump-right-into the "feeding-frendzies" called the single-adult-life and survive on their own;
and 2) the church has no experience playing "match-maker" or at least helping the singles warm into the dating scene and potential marrying-scene...

What we are left-with is mass dating--we all congregate together and do something wholesome and potentially uplifting! Mind-you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but the church is left with an ever-growing 'single adult population' and no end in sight!!!

We, meaning all of the single-adult-LDS-community (the author excluded) need to either learn how to have that drive (isn't it a God-given-drive anyway?) and act on it effectively, or, we need to have the church gain some matchmaking wisdom and teach itself how to help the growing single-acult community learn how to find it's own "marriable" singles (the girls find the boys that they will marry and visa-versa...). Now we have to look at the 2 types of singles: the-never-been-married and the-married-but-now-divorced and see if we can find a single answer for both types of singles...

If not, we are going to only see this population grow and grow (and thank goodness that children are not born into this mindset, but they grow up and naturally find spouses!!!) until we see if end in arranged marriages!?! (would that be that terrible?)



Being ONE...

I have written about how God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are 3 persons, yet one God in Groupings of 3, three, and tri-groupings..., but now I want to discuss what that unity can mean to each of us...

In 3rd Nephi chapter 19, verse 23 we read, "And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one."

In Hangin' out with 'the Squirt"... my son and I are moving towards "oneness" as we not only share slmost the same genetic makeup, but think alike in most ways, and want to always be with each other! Isn't that the way that "being one" should be like? Shouldn't you not only love that other person, but try to be with them and like them in whatever way that you can?

In To Write... I try to become "one" with the reader as I write! I not only try to write in such a way that we will both understand and be edified as we think about the same subject, but if both he or she and I put into practice those same things that I have just written about, we will be even closer to "being one"!

In Finn's scripture of the day I tried to make (kind of like in "to write") 4 parties one: the reader, myself, the original author, and God himself! All of our thoughts were "at one"... I hope that doesn't sound to full-of-myself, but that's just the way it has turned out!

And in In need of recovery or respite (from beds?), I am waiting for to meet (which in NO way excludes those that I have already met...) the woman who will become one with me!

Those are just some recent posts that share in my "oneness-of-thought/mind" thinking and desire. The best part of it all is... that I know that as long as I keep my thoughts on the same thinking as God's or of Paul's, I will never go wrong in seeking for that final and ultimate ONENESS!!!



Hangin' out with 'the Squirt"...

Today, Addison and I woke-up, got ready and went down to have him run in the STRAWBERRY DAY'S kids race! He ran so fast and finished the race!!!

After we went to the race, we went down to the carnival, ate some delicious food (thanks Bajio's!), and then watched "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (in fact, he just corrected me on the name of that movie)...

He has been having so much fun since he's been here and I have been having even more fun with him... The best part, though, is knowing that he will still be here and we will still be able to do things until he leaves to go back home to Cali-fornai-A.

He is such a cool boy and just a cool kid to have around, and to know that he is MY son!!!



To write...

Writing is easier if you have something to commplain about or if you just plain-old-have-something that makes you angry!

On the other hand, writing is also easier if you have something that makes you so happy that you feel like you can't get your fingers to type fast enough to get the words out of your head and down onto the paper or onto the screen...

On the flip-side, if you are neither angry/embittered/or furious-about and yet nothing makes you feel like you are on top-of-the-world and couldn't be happer, you can't even find the will to write.

I was talking the other day with a man who aspires to be an author of a good-book, and he reads and reads, and he also practices writing all-of-the-time, yet he is putting off the day when he believes he'll have his inspiration and be able to "knock-out" his first book...

I suggested to him that he needs to take the words of the prophet Brigham Young to heart and apply those words to his writing delema: to write or not to write!? (Is that the question?)

Brother Brigham once said that: If ever you don't feel like praying, to get down on your knees and pray until you feel like praraying!

I told this friend that he should apply that same wisdom to his writing and get on his typewriter and type until he feels like writing.

Testing-out this bit of Josh-made-wisdom to these blog, I have found that it works quite well and has never let me down... Whenever I think that "I'm just not in the 'mood' to write, if I will just sit down at the keyboard and write, I will become inspired to write more!!!

Doesn't that just make sense? Even if you think to yourself, "Nah! That sounds good and all, but it just won't work for me..." ... Try it out and you will find that if you will 'put your heart into the trying', then you will without fail find that it works... Of course, you cannot do the trial just to show or prove to yourself that it DOESN'T WORK or else you aren't actually even fullly doing the trial!

You have to act just as Almulek teaches in Alma 32, where he urges you to try, even if you can do nothing more than desire to have FAITH--try to desire!!!

Those are my words and that is what I have written...



Finn's Scripture of the Day...

So, my good friend, Finn Bjarnson, has begun putting up occasional scriptures that just "jump-out and grab him"... Or, at least he's done one scripture of the day (6 June, 2008):

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

The very first thing that came to my mind when I read this was that we are necessarily going to be "in" the world, but, we are commanded to be not "of" the world (like I already mentioned in my comment...).

Also, before I talk about the "transformation" part of the verse, there is found in the Articles of Faith, 13, an entire list of things we are to "see after":

"... being ... honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

I believe that if you have molded yourself to at least one, possibly ALL of these characteristics, then you are following the council of Paul and not conforming to the pattern of the world!

Now, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind...". This is an active command and not simply a "thou shalt not" command. We are being admonished to do and to be a certain way!

"Renewing of the mind" comes from the Greek word, metaneo, and also the Hebrew rube shube, which are similar in meaning. In English, they are both translated into the word "repent"... "Shube" actually literally means "to turn" and likewise, "metaneo" means to change one's mind/soul/spirit/or idea.

Both words, as well as the English equivalent, "repent", essentially mean to have a new mind, in the broadest and fullest sense.

It is only when we have a new mind or a new heart, are we truly penitent and can therefore be forgiven. It is only when we are forgiven that we have become clean and are able to come into God's presence. Paul was only wanting us to do what Moses had spent years and years teaching the Israelites to do; come into God's presence! It seems that all prophets and also the apostles are only trying to entice us all to come into God's presence...

Is it to much to ask to follow their words?



In need of recovery or respite (from beds?)!!!

So, as I go through these (because right NOW is one of those times...) times of trial or possible heartbreak (like when Steph and I were divorced [102], then as Teresa wrote me to ask that I not write her anymore [103], and now as the girl that I met the other weekend at the temple, Lucretia, has asked me to not email her anymore [not in so many words, but basically!][104]), I don't get totally down and depressed but instead I feel that I need to think of 'whomever it was that I was worrying over' whenever I have a break in my activities... The tendency to have your mind turn to thoughts like that are good and even great if they aren't finding no person to refer-to.

Until today I have chosen to "get right back on that horse" and set-out in search for another person to have those thoughts refer-to... I have, as of clicking "PUBLISH POST" at the bottom of this blogsite, not let anything get in my way of finding that person who will both love me entirely and completely but also who I would love both entirely and completely!

I haven't given up hope or closed my sensitivities to such an event happening, but I have either run those girls off that I was interested in dating/seeing where that same path would eventually lead to... With Steph, I kept a way-of-life in her face (the one that I'm pretty sure we had both agreed to at the Salt Lake Temple in 1997) until she was burned-out and couldn't stand the sight or sound of me (she feels the same even today!); Teresa (my rebound-girl, as my mom refers to her) I practically drowned with affection and attention--regardless of the nature or inherit worth of such attention--until she couldn't stand my letters any more; and Lucretia, who I knew was in a fragile state of her life right-then (as evidenced by the fact that she wouldn't even give me here phone number, but only gave me her email address--that way, all she would have to do is click "delete" on that email and would never HAVE to respond to it [unless you admit to yourself that clicking delete is itself a way of responding--"No response" is just another type of way "to respond"]) who I pushed a-little-hard in my emailing her about herself...

Let me tell you what made me think I could continue on in the way that way that has driven them all away:

- Nothing that I was choosing to do (and subsequently was doing) could be seen and pointed to as a "foul" or an inherently offensive thing-to-do...
- Nothing that I knew I was doing was having any negative consequences other-than- the-fact that the girls were leaving...
- Everything that I was having them leave (me) for-having-done was good and admirable and, even, laudable and a trate that would be sought-after in most cases (being completely "true" to my religion and my God and my covenants and writing amd showing "too much" interest when they were not ready to move ahead...).

It's really, really, REALLY hard to know that each choice that you are making is going to help your relationship with that girl or woman... I can tell when I am making a choice that is not what I should choose; because it's a sin or becuase the Spirit will not give me the go-ahead. When there is an entirely separate and distnct person who is making their own choices that may or may not coincide with the choice that I have just made, all I know that is right is how the choice stands on its own merit--not how it will stand alongside and end-up as they make their choice to go with my choice...

Needless to say, I do not know how to be in a relationship unless both she and I are choosing to go towards the same objective!

I skipped that stage in the relationship-evolution-game... I met Steph in 9th grade and knew that I wanted to be with her, married her only a few months after having arrived home from Italy and my mission, and from then on I have made all of my choices with the one goal in sight: EXALTATION.

Is that wrong? That seems like I have been "jumping-the-gun" and "putting the cart before the horse" (I'm not even sure exactly what that means, but jumping the gun works as well, as "getting ahead of yourself"...) when it comes to relationships. It's like the long believed truth, "the end justifies the means" simply doesn't work in some or most or even all situations!

I need to think of dating simply as a process (like in my last post about the steps heading towards a relationship and not think so much as geting to the "final destination" in the shortest amount of steps possible... I need to appreciate that it's the journey gives the whole marriage or experience meaning!!!

I'm afraid that I am leaving good and fine and great and beautiful women by the wayside as I burn past or through them though! Maybe #105 will be my ultimate lucky number... We'll see, because it just started popping-up and standing out today... "What does that mean anyway?", you ask. Maybe nothing at all, but maybe, just maybe, it means the whole world!


New trial, life trial...

I think that maybe this is just WAY to early to make any conclusions on the matter, but, as I was thinking of the different trials that I'm going to face in the near future (to make me prepared to endure the final trials that will necessarily pass my way... Like enduring my trial of Abraham [because, YES, we are all going to be tried as Abraham was if we are going to gain the same blessings that he has already...]), I was reading, again, from C.S. Lewis (which I have already posted this quote here among these "extemporaneous rants"...):

"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace."

What I never included in my last post was the sentence that he wrote that comes after this quote was that He (meaning Christ) has built this palace so that He can come and live inside and make it His house as well…

If Christ is going to live inside of this palace that he has now made from our humble-little-cottage-beginning (remember, remember, that this whole idea is metaphorical... Don't even think that Lewis is making a break from christian ideology...)! Do we not want to let Him make the greatest palace that he can and using the least amount of struggles and effort possible? Wouldn't that be our wish?

Joseph Smith said something almost exactly like the Lewis quote when he said,

"You will have all kinds of trials to pass through. And it is quite necessary for you to be tried as it was for Abraham and other men of God, and God will feel after you, and He will take hold of and wrench your very heart strings, and if you cannot stand it, you will not be fit for an inheritance in the Celestial Kingdom of God." (as recorded from John Taylor in the Deseret News, 8/21/1883)

My trials, I believe, have started with my car accident, but that was just a preamble to my Abrahamic trial, as it just made life harder for me (not harder to bear, mind you...) and I'm afraid that the other part of the "test" will be making my way though life with the desire and the aptitude and the choice made to be remarried, but never actually having the struggle culminate in a Celestial Marriage... I don't know, maybe I will eventually be married to another student or maybe professor in Graduate School (you think?).

I will continue to live my life day-to-day and take on each new experience with whatever wisdom and knowledge I have brought with me from the rest of my life... I'm not in a hurry to have 'all of the experiences that I will pass through in this life' be completed or "over"... Now! I do not want anyone to think that I've written this posting in self-doubt or in self-worry or, especially not in self-pity; but I have written this as a self-declaration that I will let things unfold as they may and stop trying to push my will onto anyone else. I have been trying to learn as much about "agency" as I could, but I see now that the best things that I can learn from are the very experiences that I am passing through!!! Like I say, I will just be ready for the next step--and I will do my best to try and not "run up the stairs" but just take them one at a time...

It's move-on to the next step!!!