
Another life-lesson learned from Sesame Street!

Ok, the lesson was learned from Elmo's Adventures in Grouchland (which isn't exactly the Sesame Street from the good-ol'-days but there are most of the original characters from the famous street in NY, plus Mandy Patinkin to boot and Elmo!) and the lesson came from Grizzie, the grouch from Grouchland, who says that the reason that grouches let Huxley (played by Mandy Patinkin) take anything he wants from them is that: in order to stop him, all of the grouches would have to cooperate and they just hate doing that!

Let's make a parallel with the people of the Earth to the grouches in Grouchland:
-- Each grouch (and are the people on Earth also grouches?) is focused on his or her own personal interest, to the extent that they can't see beyond themselves--beyond what they want for themselves or what they are doing!
-- They are focused so much on themselves, they can't see beyond themselves to other people, their wants, their desires, their wishes, their hopes, their cares, and their loves.
-- Grouches don't care about anything that's going on that doesn't directly effect themselves.

So, the grouches could stop Huxley if they would just band together and cooperate to stop him.  But they won't.  Why?

The grouches in grouchland do band together and cooperate in the movie Elmo's Adventures in Grouchland because they are all rallying around and trying to help Elmo.  The only reason why they get beyond themselves and cooperate is to rescue Elmo's blanket for Elmo (from Huxley).  Because they were all focused on something other than themselves (etc.), they were able to help each other and especially Elmo get his blanket back (and simultaneously thwarting Huxley's designs).

Now, let's make a parallel with the grouches in Grouchland to the people on Earth in terms of what the people on Earth need to do:
-- Each person needs to get beyond themselves and their own interests.
-- They need to be focused on others, see beyond themselves to other people, see other's wants, other's desires, other's wishes, other's hopes, other's cares, and other's loves.
-- People of the Earth need to care about something other than themselves and what effects them directly.

If, then, people of the Earth band together and cooperate, they can and will accomplish many things even greater than retrieving Elmo's blanket; they can, actually, accomplish many, many, many things.  And if, then, the people of the Earth band together with God or with Christ, they can accomplish anything (that is God's will)!

They, we, will build a temple in the New Jerusalem.  We will preach the Gospel to all the world.  We will build Zion.  We will prepare the Earth for the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ.

We will stop Satan as we band together and cooperate to stop him.  Why don't we?  We will!  We are!



Doctrine & Covenants section 88, verse 6

"He that ascended up on high, as well as descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth;"

That seems to be saying that Jesus Christ did not comprehend all things until he ascended up on high as well as descended below all things--or in other words, He only comprehended all things when He had performed the atonement.  He suffered at the Garden of Getsemane but also on Galgotha, or on the cross.  

The Light of Christ was around since before the world was created and before man, because as all men and women are born into this life, they are born with the Light of Christ.  

Light of Truth and Light of Christ cannot be the exact same thing.  We know from the Gospels that Christ had Light and Truth, but there must be some sort of difference between the Light of Christ--which is a specific concept powering all of God's creations, and the Light of Truth--which seems to be a less specific concept but just more of an adjective for Christ, right?

This seems like a quandary that I'm going to have to wait till I understand more of everything to know the answer, because I still can't form a question from this--only to say that I don't understand...



I am he, as you are he, and we are we...

I am the walrus; coo-coo-ca-chube!

Ok, really, I'm not...  But I fooled you, didn't I?

I am employed, finally!

I work for sBioMed!  You know the makers and producers of Steriplex, the household and hospital grade disinfectant and cleaner?  That's it...  They are also owned and operated by the same man who created Results R.N.A. and Solutions IE--the manufacture pharmaceutical supplements and additives.

Can you believe it?  I am a training analytical chemist!!!

That's right.  Three years of graduate school and two years of school counseling and whataya got?  A chemist and an analytical one at that..

All right, leave me alone.  I'll be back to my counseling soon...


ok, ok, ok, ok...  I am the Eggman.

No, I am sitting on a cornflake!

You got me.  I am John.  No wait, Paul is dead!

I can't keep it straight anymore...  I'm off to bed.