
It's no fun when you're sick (and you're not going to be able to help anyone else!)

So then, for about a full week I haven't been feeling that great. I guess that it started effecting my daily routine that first week and hasn't really been much better ever since that first day.

I guess it's good though to remind me how much we all are (and I am too!) dependant on the Lord and his blessings.

My mom has a similar strain of virus to whatever it is that I have and today I walked into the kitchen and said something to at the family room. A female voice answered me and I thought that it was my sister. When I finally went back to the family room, I saw, though, that it was my mother who had answered me. From what she had said and from the little conversation that we had, I immediately went in and asked my dad to come and give her a blessing (because she was not functioning like she should be.

He came in and blessed her and then blessed me, and I asked out loud, "Why is it, do you think, that we as a family and as a people generally not look to the Priesthood to help resolve these problems?" Ok, maybe I didn't use such elegant language (not that I write too terribly well or speak so masterfully...). I just remember reading about Joseph Smith almost condemning the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for "relying on the arm of flesh" instead of humbling themselves and allowing the priesthood that surrounds them (and us, I might add...) to bless them.

Think of how many lives of other people we are failing to bless because we are not well or we are failing to get healed any quicker that the Dramamine or penicillin to take effect and kill our parasites. Too many hours are wasted!!!

I know that I am the probably the first to try and plow though a sickness and rely on my prayers and faith to help me through it. BUT, why don't I let someone else use their faith (and I can continue to use my own...) and allow them to utilize and exercise their God-given-Priesthood-Power. If you think about it in this way... You are selfishly denying someone that opportunity!

My son, Addison, just bore his testimony last Sunday about how he knows that the Priesthood blessings given to he and I, after our accident helped us to heal and possibly saved our lives! I love the faith that was planted into his heart just from saying those words...

I pray that we will all be able to help those around us to the best of our abilities because we are humble enough to ask for a Priesthood Blessing when we should be healed from a malady or sickness (don't think you're "saving your faith for something bigger" because, you're NOT! You're just NOT exercising your faith, at all!!!).


1 comment:

Fred said...

I remember when I got sick on my mission and I went to an older sister missionary who I knew had been a nurse for over a decade and I told her I was sick and asked her for help. Her advice: get a blessing. I did and I got better. I agree we should not be slow to turn to the Priesthood. It is there to bless.