
School days again

So today I went to school as I do on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and enjoyed another PSY 3400-Abnormal Psychology class... Today we talked about Suicide. I'm against it... I mean, who are we kidding here? No! I'm not saying that I'm against those people who end up taking their own life, but I'm against the taking of life in general; be it your own or the life of your brother/sister, friend, stranger, etc. So in reality, I am saying that I'm against you if you are planning on killing yourself...

[breaking the 3rd wall and talking to the camera]

"So, I just have a few questions that I would like you to answer if you are planning on killing yourself: do you have any idea how you will do that/do you have it all planned out in your mind? If so, how much do you think you'll be able to complete your suicide? Is there anything that I can do to help talk you out of it? What about playing on the team next season, wereren't you looking forward to that? Don't you remember the way that it felt to make that last point and then be congratulated by the whole team?

Oh, you were just kidding about taking your own life? Well... if you don't mind, we are going to head on over to one of my good friends and talk to him about something that we studied in my class today. Just come on over with me..."

[exit scene]


1 comment:

Matt said...

Sad that sometimes this kind of conversation is all it would take to bring someone back from the edge. Most people that commit this act probably feel utterly alone.