
Inspirational Quotes by Members of "Team Elite," Whose Native Language May or May Not Be English, Found on a Display Near the Entry of My Workplace



"Growing together."

"Get your eternal luck."

"Challenging spirit makes a big deal."

"Dreams come true! Let's challenge!!"

"Change your life with your (own) mind."

"Live your dreams, don't regret your life."

"Human Emotion — the most important thing."

"A man who wants to be successful has no right to be pessimistic."

"Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."

"Remember the thoughtfulness of his/her view, and let's keep going together."

"There are unlimited possibilities and chances, but only a few will catch it in their hands."

"You can achieve anything in life that you want if you help others achieve what they want."

"If you die without achieving your goal, be sure to return as a ghost to accomplish your dream."

"To change one's life, start immediately. There is nothing we can't do, except that for some it takes a bit longer."

"Who have ever known somebody's sorrow, only the person could be tender and excellent. Feel happy at any time!"

"With help from others, I now have unforgettable kindness, tenderness and gratitude to everyone who helped make my own dream of having a fabulous life come true."

"Success is the most preferable terminology for everyone that guarantees to gain happiness. At the same time, success is not the static status of being something but the continual process of aiming at the higher."

1 comment:

Cami said...

I hope these are accompanied by some seriously inspiration and equally flawed pictures. Those are some quotes I can get behind!