
To write...

Writing is easier if you have something to commplain about or if you just plain-old-have-something that makes you angry!

On the other hand, writing is also easier if you have something that makes you so happy that you feel like you can't get your fingers to type fast enough to get the words out of your head and down onto the paper or onto the screen...

On the flip-side, if you are neither angry/embittered/or furious-about and yet nothing makes you feel like you are on top-of-the-world and couldn't be happer, you can't even find the will to write.

I was talking the other day with a man who aspires to be an author of a good-book, and he reads and reads, and he also practices writing all-of-the-time, yet he is putting off the day when he believes he'll have his inspiration and be able to "knock-out" his first book...

I suggested to him that he needs to take the words of the prophet Brigham Young to heart and apply those words to his writing delema: to write or not to write!? (Is that the question?)

Brother Brigham once said that: If ever you don't feel like praying, to get down on your knees and pray until you feel like praraying!

I told this friend that he should apply that same wisdom to his writing and get on his typewriter and type until he feels like writing.

Testing-out this bit of Josh-made-wisdom to these blog, I have found that it works quite well and has never let me down... Whenever I think that "I'm just not in the 'mood' to write, if I will just sit down at the keyboard and write, I will become inspired to write more!!!

Doesn't that just make sense? Even if you think to yourself, "Nah! That sounds good and all, but it just won't work for me..." ... Try it out and you will find that if you will 'put your heart into the trying', then you will without fail find that it works... Of course, you cannot do the trial just to show or prove to yourself that it DOESN'T WORK or else you aren't actually even fullly doing the trial!

You have to act just as Almulek teaches in Alma 32, where he urges you to try, even if you can do nothing more than desire to have FAITH--try to desire!!!

Those are my words and that is what I have written...



Cami said...

That is true for me both for writing and for praying. Sadly, many times my blog readers have to read the inbetween blogs. But just the other day I did a Giant Journal page about how I am allowed to like blogging without guilt or embarrassment. People can read if they'd like and ignore if they wish.

Matt said...

Good advice. I can use this with my journal writing. Sometimes I start writing and realize that what I'm writing is worthless. Then I think that everything I've ever written is worthless and I stop writing for a few months. Then I write another few lines, and quit for a few months. Maybe if I pushed passed those first few lines....

Anonymous said...

I confirm. I agree with told all above. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.