
What would you say?

In Alma 21:5, we read: Therefore, as Aaron entered into one of their synagogues to preach unto the people, and as he was speaking unto them, behold there arose an Amalekite and began to contend with him, saying: What is that thou hast testified? Hast thou seen an angel? Why do not angels appear unto us? Behold are not this people as good as thy people?

What would you say?  (Well, if angels only come to those of strong faith and purity, then—and angels only come to you if sent by our God (who knows everything [omniscient], has all power [omnipotent], and is everywhere at the same time [omnipresent]—and that same God has sent angels to us and not to you, then isn’t HE saying we’re better, and not just us thinking we’re better?


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