

In Alma 18:11, we read of King Lamoni’s encounter with Ammon and the way he feels about the faithfulness of this Nephites who asked to serve him in his kingdom.  After Ammon protects Lamoni’s flocks, he also prepares the chariots for Lamoni, and this is disconcerting to the king...  “Now I surely know that this is the Great Spirit, and I would desire him that he come in unto me, but I durst not.”

Can't come before God without trepidation, but not in a good way--Lamoni feared God!

Lamoni knee that Ammon was a man of God (not because of anything but his example...) and was afraid of letting him be or come close to him, less his proximity would allow God to be that close to him (obviously, not so hot in the logical conclusions territory!).


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