
Alma 21:3

In Alma 21:3, it says, “Now the Lamanites of themselves were sufficiently hardened, but the Amalekites and the Amulonites were still harder; therefore they did cause the Lamanites that they should harden their hearts, that they should wax strong in wickedness and their abominations.”

Once you have had the truth preached to you, and have rejected it, you become harder still...  But, once you have accepted the Gospel and reject it, you are the hardest (and only once having received the Gospel and its ordinances, can you become a Son of Perdition [+ shed innocent blood] and crucify Christ in open shame)—you have to have light enough to reject and deny or betray that light (think of a pendulum that can only swing as low as it can swing high...  The rope length is determined by the light possessed!)!


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