
Games, Games, Games!!!

Why does my punctuation follow in groups of 3?

That is a fine question... Maybe someday I'll be able to explain it.

The question at hand, though, is not grammar or writing today (though it may be tomorrow?); the post is about... well, you can read. What is this post about? That is right: games.

Bet you that I will have several (here we go with the groupings of three again...) things that I want to say about games in general:

I- Games necessarily increase parts of your intellect: memory, math/logic-skills, association-skills.

Let's break this down into those categories:
1. Memory- As we all are aware, most if not all games have some component of memory involved or require you to have to either remember the answers to specific questions about the world, remember the rules to the game and/or other life-skills, or remember the answers given in the game.

2. Math and Logic- Like memory, all games require you to either count (that's using math...), calculate dates and times (still using math...), or make logical deductions (most of which will require the use of math--and memory also).

3. Association- Using both memory and math/logic, we are asked (hey... if you DON'T want to, then you can just LOSE and we'll think TWICE before we ask you to play again...) to use the knowledge that we have from those skills to figure out what it is that we are supposed to do or say to win the game. Basically, it all boils down to memory and logic (and we could prove whatever we want to in math from really long logic proofs...). Then, we simply need to apply what we already know to the rules of the game!

II- Who doesn't like a good game?
C.S. Lewis once wrote about how one way that we can use our agency to make righteous choices is to do or play something that we honestly enjoy. We've also been commanded to laugh (just NO loud-laughter...) and be merry. Everyone can and will laugh and be merry playing some game that they are fond of...

III- Therefore, if you becoming more intelligent (you're increasing your intellect) AND you are doing something you straightforwardly enjoy, all you are missing are your saving ordinances, and if those are completed you'd be on the path to godhood and ever-increasing glory!

So, do something right[eous] and play a game! You will be smarter, will be able to remember better, and will move one step in a direction that will save your soul!



Matt said...

Haha. Funny connection between playing games and saving ordinances. You're a goodball.

JPS said...

No, Matt... You are the one who is a goofball!