
What is it about filthiness or uncleanliness that God or the Holy Ghost can’t abide?

What is it about filthiness or uncleanliness that God or the Holy Ghost can’t abide?

And what is it, about choosing sin that makes one unclean?

Here are my thoughts… 

To sin is to act contrary to the will of God but what makes that a sin?

Jesus Christ was the only perfect person to live on this Earth, and perfect = clean and able to stand in God’s presence—so inasmuch as I choose to act contrary to that perfection, I am sinning and the laws of Justice demand that I either follow that perfect example or have to pay!  That’s just the way it is and always has always been!

To act contrary to that example is to sin and to be unclean or filthy and the reason why is because the demands of Justice require that… but why is that the only satisfiable payment or form of universal currency?  Because of the Atonement and the demands of Justice created by the intelligences of the universe require to be satisfied.  You can’t fight a tidal wave, right?


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