
You made me mad or made me feel bad!

It’s funny or sad, I guess, how often I hear people say (even and most especially those I love and am with the most) that something that was done or said, “made them mad” or “made them sad”.

I don’t remember being able to choose for them or remember having had control over their emotions and decided for them how to feel.  I actually don’t want that kind of power!  When I have been perfected and have all power, wisdom, grace, knowledge, mercy, long-suffering, patience, and godliness.  Even if you are calling me a god, and have all of those qualities, you are forgetting about one thing that necessarily accompanies those qualities: a reverence and respect for agency!

In other words, God, Our Eternal Father, is a God that already possesses all of those qualities and characteristics and possesses them all perfectly.  He cannot allow any of His children to make choices for any of His other children.

Stop denying God’s characteristics and stop claiming powers that you couldn’t have.

Just stop it.


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