What do I need to personally do to not become hard in my heart and not look into God as I ought? What were Laman & Lemuel not doing that they I should be doing? Because, besides the overt offenses to Nephi, we don't know that their thoughts were so bad, EXCEPT when we look at their OMISSIONS or things they did not do, that they were commanded to do:
• Were they reading their scriptures?
• Were they praying?
• Were they obeying their father & their mother?
• Were they going to the Mountain of the Lord, oft?
• Were they having FHE with their wife and children?
• Were they teaching that which had been taught to them to others?
• Were they activating less-active family members?
• Were they performing service?
• Were they loving their wife with all the love they had?
• Were they loving their children like their wife?
All of this is contingent, though, on a supposition that they were being prompted by the Holy Ghost to follow Christ—so, only like a 0.00% chance that they weren’t...
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